A mold air test helps ensure a safe and healthy home for your family

Even before the era of COVID, January has always been a month where Canadians spend most of their time indoors. With windows closed on many inevitable snow days, staying indoors is the best way to cope with sub-zero temperatures. But the damp, wet, and poorly ventilated conditions of hibernation season can provide a breeding ground for mold spores to thrive. There’s no better time to book a mold air test for your home. Testing for mold in homes reveals not only eyesores, but more importantly, health risks. Ignoring unfortunate household fungus exposes Canadian families to eye, nose, and throat irritation. Additionally, mold can prompt the development of asthma symptoms and harsh allergic reactions. A mold inspection can provide the peace of mind you need. You should be spending the winter enjoying quality time with your family rather than worrying about a variety of indoor health concerns.

A mold air test provides everyday peace of mind and comfort

Beyond the health risks mentioned before, mold exposure also has other side effects too. These include:
  • The development of a cough that may appear as a common cold
  • Wheezing
  • Red and itchy eyes
  • Rashes or other skin irritations
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
When there is mold in your home, mold spores are released into the air and breathed in unknowingly. In certain cases, severe mold exposure can result in skin irritation in children and risk the wellbeing of those with lung illness or weakened immune systems. Furthermore, long-term exposure to mold in your home can lead to serious health conditions, including:
  • Acute Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemorrhage in otherwise healthy children
  • Loss of memory
  • Difficulty breathing for those who have existing respiratory issues
  • General lethargy
Simply put, exposure to mold in your home puts everyone at risk, especially children and the elderly. Mold can be dangerous to pregnant or nursing mothers or anyone with a weakened immune system. In circumstances like these, getting a mold test performed is even more important.

Where to spot mold before it grows out of control

Mold is most dangerous when growing in amplification sites around the home. Homes without proper ventilation tend to develop mold complications, especially older homes without essential kitchen and bathroom vents. Condensation develops in spaces where moisture cannot escape the home. As you cook a winter evening meal or take a hot shower or bath, these everyday actions lead to condensation formation. Most mold growth occurs in these places inside your home:
  • Showers, bathtubs, sinks, and toilets
  • Along bathroom walls and floors
  • Windows and windowsills
  • Air conditioning units
  • Heating vents
  • Attics, basements, and garages
Mold also grows in older insulation and particularly dusty spaces of your home. In extreme cases, mold can also damage the structure of your home. Traditional home insurance doesn’t often cover issues of mold. Therefore, you could be left to pay hefty repair bills if you don’t address a mold problem early on.

Understanding the importance of “stack effect”

According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 10 to 50 litres of moisture is released in a typical home each day. With freezing temperatures outside and warm temperatures inside, condensation inevitably develops where these temperature fluctuations meet. You should also know that mold spores spread throughout homes due to what is known as “stack effect”. This is when warm air rises in a home and exits through the upper floors and attic. When warm air rises, it can take mold spores with it. This results in airborne mold particles moving freely throughout a home. Should you discover mold in your home, soap and water can be used to remove small buildup on curtains, sinks, and ceilings. Larger mold developments found on drywall, studs, or subflooring should prompt you to call a professional and have them address the issue. When you’re concerned about the development of moisture and condensation in your home, dehumidifiers can help too. These devices pull moisture out of the air and prevent mold spores from moving to other areas of your home. Besides getting a mold test, these are just some of the other ways you can ensure the health and wellbeing of your family this winter.

Get Mold Air Testing and Indoor Air Quality Evaluations from AmeriSpec

AmeriSpec Mold Testing and Indoor Air Quality Evaluations effectively test whether your home’s air is of the highest quality. Mold can quietly deteriorate your living space and result in sickness for you and your family. Rest assured, our team can successfully identify issues of mold development, advising you on your next course of action. Lean on the experience of AmeriSpec and concentrate on creating the healthiest possible indoor environment for your family. Book your evaluation today.