Springtime in Canada is the perfect time to buy a new home. With warmer, sunny weather now here, available properties across Canada are looking their best, and as a result, prospective homebuyers might be swept up in the excitement of a busy real estate season. Truthfully, purchasing a home, both new or old, shouldn’t be rushed without first completing a professional home inspection. Carefully inspecting the electrical infrastructure within your prospective dream home can save you time and money. Failing to do so may turn your dream home purchase into a nightmare. An AmeriSpec pre-purchase home inspection can spare homebuyers from costly electrical repairs, along with the potential debt that comes with them. Ensure that you get all the facts you need to make the right purchase with an AmeriSpec professional home inspection.

Professional home inspections: Uncovering issues with a home’s electrical infrastructure

A professional home inspection can help protect your family and ensure you are making the most informed decision before you purchase a home. Issues with a home's electrical infrastructure can potentially cause fires or seriously injure the home’s inhabitants. Even more concerning, poor electrical work could even void your home insurance should you fail to address ongoing issues with your home’s electrical infrastructure. A home inspection spots problematic electrical issues that may be overlooked by homebuyers. AmeriSpec’s highly trained home inspectors will take a proper look at a home’s interior and exterior electrical systems. This way, they can determine if a home’s electrical panels, light switches and HVAC systems are in good working order. They’ll check if they meet current safety standards and that they don’t require any extensive repairs. Further, our home inspectors will also consider whether the home has an appropriate amount of outlets in each room. Additionally, they’ll examine light fixtures and take a closer look at a home's circuit breaker box and the wire gauge. Inspectors can also measure outlets with specialized tools to ensure proper voltage and grounding throughout the home. Additionally, home inspectors can determine if the home has proper placement and installation of both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The due diligence of AmeriSpec home inspectors will verify that the home’s entire electrical infrastructure is free from problems and is safe for its new residents who might be considering purchasing the home.

Professional home inspections: Spotting common electrical faults

Common electrical faults that our AmeriSpec home inspectors find include:

Reversed polarity

Found in the home’s electrical infrastructure that could potentially cause damage to devices or appliances.

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) wiring

DIY wiring of outlets and switches completed by the previous homeowner.

Older and ungrounded outlets

Usually found in older homes. These outlets have three-prongs, but are not grounded, and could pose a safety hazard when three-pronged cords are plugged in.

Worn or exposed wiring and splicing

Wiring and splicing that isn't properly fitted in a covered junction box.

Circuit breakers with two wires

Breakers are designed for one wire, and if they are double-tapped, this could potentially cause fires.

Incorrect covers on outdoor outlets

These ‘wet locations’ are vulnerable to weather. Outdoor outlets require weather resistant receptacles that can prevent rain or snow from harming the home's electrical infrastructure.

Professional home inspections: Spotting common electrical warning signs

There are many warning signs that indicate potential problems with a home’s electrical infrastructure. Some of the most common faulty electrical warning signs include:
  • Light fixtures and bulbs throughout the home that fade, dim, or flicker
  • Browning or scorching around outlets caused by incorrectly installed wiring
  • Electrical appliances or devices that vibrate or hum when plugged into an outlet
  • Light switches or outlets that feel warm to the touch or generate heat
  • Strange smells throughout the home that might be similar to the scent of smoke
  • A small shock when a resident touches a metal object within the home
  • Mice or other rodent issues around the home that could lead to the degradation of electrical wiring

Professional home inspections versus potential repair costs

The costs for repairs to a home’s electrical infrastructure can vary greatly. While some issues are simple fixes, others can cost homeowners tens of thousands of dollars. Ignoring warning signs or faults may lead to house fires, or worse, death. Ultimately, AmeriSpec home inspections can catch these issues before they grow into much larger problems. A Licenced Electrical Contractor (LEC) should address electrical repairs. If an electrician is unqualified, it could result in even further financial burdens to the homeowner by way of costly repairs. LECs will have a valid ECRA/ESA Electrical Contractor Licence and will work within the parameters of your province’s safety codes. Hiring an LEC means you can rest easy knowing they are fully insured and are responsible for arranging proper permits and inspections. Electricians are required to regularly recertify their licences ensuring they are well-informed on new technologies and safety codes. Failing to hire a certified electrician could spell certain disaster for your home.

Professional home inspections by AmeriSpec

An AmeriSpec pre-purchase home inspection covers electrical infrastructure and can spare homebuyers costly electrical repairs along with the debt that comes with them. Ensure the safety of you and your family, and make an informed decision when buying your next home. Don’t take any chances when it comes to all things electrical in homes. Contact us directly to learn more about pre-purchase home inspections from AmeriSpec.