Winter is when Canadians heat their home the most. Sure, it’s a necessity at this time of year but who enjoys receiving extremely high heating bills? Nobody, that’s who! What if we told you there were a cost-effective solution to see your winter heating costs plummet? Allow us to introduce the power of air sealing. What is air leakage? Air leakage describes the process of outside air entering, and conditioned air leaving a home. In poorly sealed homes, this process unknowingly takes place through cracks and openings. If you’re wondering why your home still feels chilly and uncomfortable even with the heating on, you’re probably suffering from air leaks. What problems do air leakages cause? Air leakage doesn’t just mean your heating system has to run longer and more often, resulting in unnecessarily high heating costs. Additionally, air leakage contributes to moisture problems. When moisture is carried into framing cavities, it causes mould and rot. This doesn’t simply affect occupants’ health but destabilizes a property’s structure too. How can air sealing help? Air sealing has multiple benefits for homeowners, including:
  • Reducing drafts and cold spots
  • Cutting heating (and cooling) costs
  • Improving indoor comfort
  • Creating a healthier indoor environment
Acting as a barrier against rot and mould too, the best part of all is that it’s cost-effective. Homeowners often experience a speedy return on investment, often one year or sooner. What types of air sealing exist? The most common and effective types of air sealing are both caulking and weatherstripping. Knowing which type to use is key.
  • Caulking involves the use of caulk, a flexible material often made of silicone, polyurethane or latex. Caulk is used for cracks and gaps between stationary building sections.
  • Weatherstripping is appropriate for things that move; like windows and doors. This is commonly made of felt, rubber, vinyl, and reinforced foam.
Choose AmeriSpec for air leakage identification Ultimately, areas of air leakage are unique to your own space. However, common areas include:
  • Doors and Windows
  • Attic hatches
  • Plumbing vents
  • Foundation sills
Cut heating costs this winter The best way to identify problem areas in your home is to book a professional home inspection from AmeriSpec. You can depend on our team of certified home inspectors to detect air leakage areas so you can rest comfortably this winter and beyond. Call us at (866) 284-6010 or find your nearest inspector here.